
A drawing of a asymmetrical calico cat. He wears a bright red string tied into a bow around his neck, and the tip of his left ear is folded over. His expression is that of worry or fear. On the drawing is text reading: Robin, he/him


Robin is a cat who has, since kittenhood, been under the pressure of his lineage. The son of Sedge, descendant of Bristle, was expected to be strong and faithful, a guiding star to the colony. Robin has always struggled to uphold this ideal, being a naturally meek and unsure cat. Exclusive training by his father, and the high regard others hold him in, has left Robin somewhat alienated from his peers.

Near the end of Robin's adolescence, Sedge was put on trial for the act of murder. Much debate was held over his sentencing, culminating in Robin being chosen to decide his father's fate. Robin argued that Sedge's act was comparable to Bristle's; wiping of a scourge against oneself and the colony. He decided that Sedge would be exiled out of camp, while still being hosted by the Raspberries, a compromise between those that believed Sedge was too dangerous, and those that agreed with his reasoning.

Following his father's sentencing, Robin would rally for peace with the Blackberries. He would argue, contrary to his erstwhile sentiments, that such a squabble was causing unnecessary violence; the virulent murder of an innocent bystander. With the help of Meadowsweet—and other supporters—he arranged a meeting with Crow, the acting leader of the Blackberries. Crow and Robin would agree to peace between the colonies.

In the following spring a cat, proclaiming herself Third Eye, would come to join the Raspberries. While hesitant at first, Robin would eventually come to befriend Third Eye. A charismatic cat, bearing a unique perspective from her time as a stray, and her status as a convert. Robin would come to confide in her about his struggles upholding his progenitor's legacy. This friendship came to end with the sudden murder of Sedge, carried out by Third Eye.




Third Eye
Robin's half-sister, unbeknownst to him. At first, a dear friend to him. He viewed her as a looking glass into a life outside the colony and his role in it. His feelings would soon turn to vitriol and betrayal after the murder of Sedge. He came to hate her for complicating things, shattering the stasis of his life and the fantasy of escaping it, shoving him, again, into the role of management and leadership. He did not mourn her death.

Robin's father. Under his training, Robin grew a simultaneous respect and distain for his father; feelings that would fester throughout his whole life.
